Exhaling and integrating today after 4 rich days devoted to Eroticism (and the rest of life! )!
It was BIG. It was DIVERSE. It was INTENSE.
This retreat touched on so many themes and layers. I think I've never experienced so much diversity in such a short period of time with one group.
ONE thing is KEY for authentic eroticism.
You won't get far without HEART.
It can all be cool & dandy , but without heart & connection the experience remains shallow, there is no depth, no fulfillment. Our OPEN heart is the biggest treasure... and not only for eroticism.
SAFETY remains the foundation. It requires thorough attention before anything else.
Do I feel safe in my own skin?
Do I feel safe connecting with another?
And SURRENDER TO WHAT IS without manipulating it to be something else. OMG, this one sounds so simple, but it's the hardest nut to crack. Because it requires high degree of self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-love. Wherever we fail to love ourselves, we will most likely go into pretense. And in pretense, we disconnect from ourselves and our pleasure.
Some of us met our judgements about various expressions of eroticism.
I love judgements, because every time I find myself judging, it reveals my edge, it touches on either some of my trauma's or on my social and cultural conditioning. Every judgement reveals the limit of the limitless being that I am. Every judgement invites me to feel deeper, to open up wider, to embrace even more of myself and the world.
Grateful to each and everyone of participants, team of assistants and my buddy co-leader Jonathan for this unique co-creation. Thank you from my heart, beautiful people.
Let the integration be smooth and gentle for all of us.