This was a closure day at Honoring the Sacred Retreat on Crete at the beginning of October.

At some point we were talking about our soul's calling in that moment of our life, and mine was very strongly to UNPLUG and STARE AT THE STARS. I knew that I had to give it space better sooner than later, and so after returning to Belgium and holding 1 more program, I cleared my agenda for 7 weeks - postponed two live programs and cancelled all bodywork sessions, disconnected from social media and informed many people that I was not available. I only kept a few aligned coaching clients with whom I connected online.

Today, I'm at the end of these 7 weeks, and I feel how incredible it was to have this SPACE and TIME to follow my flow without anything lined up to happen, without any big commitments, without any to do's, but just having the luxury to wake up in the morning and flow from there.

The moment I knew I was taking time off, my body immediately showed signs of fatigue and some small pains surfaced here and there. Taking this time to do a thorough blood test and get the missing elements, to visit some energetic and bodywork healers, to soak in spa's, to travel, to connect with close friends, to follow my inspiration of the moment.

It was also the time to deeply tune in and feel if the course of my work is still aligned. Is it still exciting for me? What's the calling?

During this spaciousness, Dylan and I decided to zoom into our relationship. Our relating took more energy from me and us than it was giving back to both of us in the past 3-4 months. I longed for clarity and the right aligned action. And even though I hold space for so many couples myself, we could not figure out the roots of misalignment for our own relationship. Never in my life I said and meant it so often that "I was leaving", and then as many times I said and meant it that "I was staying". It felt like someone was audaciously playing with our feet ().

Clearly, LOVE was there, but our PERSONALITIES clashed time and again, and it was exhausting.

We therefore decided to hire a couple of experienced people to hold space for us and be our mirror, and in a few meetings we started seeing the patterns that we were blind to. What's visible for the outside eye, can stay forever hidden for the ones who are IN IT.

The last thing I could think about during the past 7 weeks is promoting the upcoming 1 year program that is kicking off tomorrow with Module 1. And yet deep inside I knew 100% it would take place. The venue and all facilities have been pre-paid and confirmed. And I don't need to know how and what, but we are a FULL group! Almost 30 people are gathering to be initiated into Tantra. I am so grateful that the energetic undercurrent attracted so many people to join. 2 very good friends of mine from Germany and Croatia are also going to step into Tantra with us this coming weekend - how exciting to share it with people I personally love!

Celebrating the INNER VOICE that I trust, and all the variety of EXPERIENCES that weave the JOURNEY of life.