If I am responsible for my experiences that are happening in my reality, it implies that I have a steering wheel of 'my' Consciousness.
Consciousness is primary. The manifested reality follows Consciousness.
Some people still believe that they are finding themselves at the mercy of circumstances because things are happening to them.
What if everything that happened to you in Life until now was all your Creation, conscious and/or unconscious?
It's hard to believe sometimes because it's not always traceable in a linear way that you are indeed the author of your reality.
It's hard to believe, because it is pre-dominantly our soul's movement and our subconscious mind that are orchestrating our reality while we have no conscious understanding of it. An average human being is only aware of the content of their consciousness to maybe 5%.
For instance, it is possible to trace cause and effect when you get angry and impolite towards your boss and colleagues and as a result you may get fired. Then you can say "I was fired, because...".
But what if you did not get angry and impolite, and you still got fired? It's easy to conclude here that it's THEM who did it to you and drop the Responsibility for your life and therefore also Trust in life.
The same can apply to relationships and any other area of life.
Some people, for instance, continuously attract partners that are seemingly not a good match for their needs in a relationship. And it looks like it's all THEM, these partners, who are at fault. So, you may want to try to change them, but in the end it won't change much. Because it's You who has created this partner in your life and are creating your reality as it is!
I've seen so many times how people who realized that the steering wheel of their reality was inside of them, would make an internal shift, and how their outside reality would shift as a consequence of it.
What if you were to take FULL responsibility for your life with everything that manifests in your reality, independently whether you understand the cause & effect relation or not?
What would be the impact then?
One thing for sure... You would stop focusing so much on OTHERS and the outside reality, but you would start focusing more and more on your inside reality and become curious how it orchestrates your outside reality.
Taking responsibility for your own Life is therefore an invitation to start deeply listening to yourself from inside.
What is my internal world made of?
Which beliefs am I carrying that are manifesting my outside reality as such?
What is my deepest longing that I don't give priority to?
Where does my focus lie: outside or inside?
Am I endlessly busy with processing the past, or am I creating the future from this very Here & Now?
What supports me personally to stay in contact with my inner world in the every day busy reality which I am the author of, is Daily Practice or Daily quality ME time. Usually, it's during the time with myself when I get most insights and answers. I either meditate listening to the silence behind it all, or I journal my deepest inner longing, I practice yoga or lately I discovered swimming gives the same effect to me.
Whatever it is that gives you that spacious quality You-time is important to cultivate daily, because we want to be creators of our reality daily, not just once a year when we go on vacation..
Some people have an excuse that they don't have time for themselves, or the right relationship circumstances, or good health, or the right living conditions or a job to stay connected to themselves. Should you have any of these excuses, please kindly read the above once again.
Enjoy living and creating your life to the FULLest! 😊🌹