Welcome to the dancing adventure called Tantric Dance!


Tantric Dance is an improvisation dance where one leads (masculine energy) and the other one follows (feminine energy).

The follower is blindfolded and is being completely led. Both men and women can choose for any of the two roles.

It offers the possibility to experiment with both energies and dance freely while enjoying the contact with another. 

Come with an open and curious attitude! And be sure that we will hold a safe space for all of you to have the most amazing experience!


Tantric Dance is not only a lot of Fun, it also brings a lot to you:

- experience yourself more free and playful when connecting intimately in life; 
- you will feel your life energy flowing more intensely;
- you will find balance between masculine and feminine energies;
- you will discover your boundaries and learn to communicate them in a playful way;
- enjoy even more the connection and intimate contact.


Flow of the evening

We dance in various formats: sometimes alone, often with a partner, and sometimes with the whole group together. The focus lies in discovering your Presence, your (energetic) Sensitivity. We stimulate your awareness process with regard to intimate contact, enjoyment that comes with the touch.

19.00 Welcome
19:10 Warm-up & creating a safe container
20:10 Small break
20.20 Introduction of Tantric Dance and demo
20.44 Tantric Dance
22.00 Closure

Practical details:
Wear comfortable clothes that will allow you to move freely. We dance with bare feet. You can bring your own blindfold or borrow one from us. We will offer you tea, but bringing your own bottle of water is always recommended.

Start fresh and clean! Bring an extra T-shirt, a small towel and a bottle of water. Have fresh breath and no perfume.

Purchasing your ticket in advance 25 Euro