Temple of Tantric Arts

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Balance is a Dance

When I reach balance I experience Harmony, Flow, Love, Expansion.

Balance is something we are searching between all possible polarities in life, i.e. between masculine and feminine, between acting and being, between working and relaxing, etc. It is an artful dance to find balance, from moment to moment.

Balance is never static. One day I feel I found it, next day I feel into what it means to have balance today. One day I jump out of bed ready to rock'n'roll, another day I allow myself to feel and be lazy. One day I want to connect to every person I know, another day I wish to withdraw and be on my own.

Internally things shift, externally too, so the dance never stops. And it's such a joy to dance this dance, to explore polarities in motion, to be the space in which experience happens.

Any kind of extreme imbalance makes us feel unhappy and out of flow.

I know for a fact that the faster I want to run, the more often I need to stop. 
The more I want to be in creation, the more space and time I need to free up for doing nothing. 
The more I allow my feminine side be, the stronger my masculine side shows up.
The more I allow an exhale, the more I want to inhale.

I spoke with one beautiful talented woman a few days ago and she shared that she would like to be in creation, but her whole body says stop, exhale, let go. Two polarities. On the one hand, mind wants to be in creation, on the other hand, body and spirit are asking to stop. What a pity and what a relief at the same time!

Often when we overstretch ourselves into one polarity, sometimes for years, another polarity sooner or later lets us know about it. Maybe it catches us at what seems the "wrong moment", but in fact, it's never a wrong moment, it's us having not paid attention to the dance.

Life knows ways how to call us to surrender to the dance. 
It always does. 
So beautifully. 
So wisely.

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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