Temple of Tantric Arts

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Old Soul

I was thinking of how to start, of who I am…and I am not sure exactly to be honest. Some say I am an old soul, someone who has wandered this earth for many lives…looking for my purpose in life. All I can say for certainty is that I have yet to achieve it. However, I might have found it!

In these 20ish years I have lived up until now I have already seen much darkness all around me, but maybe worst of all…my own Shadow. Seen how unfair life can be, how it feels like 1 bad domino is falling after another, spiraling down in an endless pit. Coming so close to the end of this seemingly endless pit, a shift happened…if there is this big of a shadow at my feet, then there must be a lot of light shining! So, from then on, I decided to no longer let my self be ruled by this shadow and instead USE my shadow to find my light. Now accepting my shadow and everything that has happened to me, I started to see how these “bad” experiences have helped me become the person I am today, how it made me mature quickly, think differently, become independent and most significant…turned my eyes into a mirror of oneself, like “a still blue lake” someone once said to me. Looking unconditional at another, present to only the here and now. I started seeing how truly amazing this world is and how every single person has the potential to achieve what it is they truly want from their hearts. One by one they amaze me once again every day. Sometimes we just need a little reminder that we really can achieve, that our own happiness truly lies within our own grasp. I found I was able to remind myself and now wanting to remind people of this trough Tantra, to do what I love, while helping people unlock their own greatness and at the same time being part of each and every one’s transformation and blossoming of their own power. Leaving me filled with gratitude and Giving me all the fulfillment I seek, it truly feels as if I have found my passion, my purpose!

However, my journey is only starting here! Having only discovered Tantra a year ago, there is still a very long path ahead…life how ever seems to be agreeing with my passion as it keeps manifesting wonderful opportunities to follow this path. In just half a year, I followed life changing retreats, traveled to Thailand, Crete and Ibiza where I met so many amazing people who are all inspired by the same work creating one amazing conversation and insight after the other. But the most important of all was meeting my beloved woman, Mira. Life truly is unbelievable sometimes, it said: if you don’t look for her then we send her to you. And as such, one day the doorbell rang at my home and there she was! Inviting me on a life changing retreat were Shortly after we connected on such a unique level, like our souls recognized each other. Feeling like we already spend a life time together without even knowing anything about one another. From then on, we became inseparable, now we are settling down together in my home country (Belgium) were we want to share both our passions with all the people around us.

“Life truly is unconditional, it doesn’t care about “good and bad” …it doesn’t even exist, it is just created by our human minds. Life just flows how it wants, being fully present to the here and now. We can either sulk all day long how life is unfair OR choose to join life! Dropping the mind and becoming present to the here and now, riding the wave of life and the amazing journey it brings!”

Right now, this amazing journey brings me to share a bit of myself right here, right now in the form of text, something completely new to me. I am so happy, filled with blissful energy, how life once again brings something new on my path.

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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