Temple of Tantric Arts

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I love my life ❤️

Tonight I was looking back at today, past week, past month, past year and suddenly I felt so much Gratitude.

It all started one day with just a dream... followed by me deciding to make it reality, without knowing HOW.

Today I do what I love and it’s hard to call my tantra work a job 🕉 - it’s pure inspiration, naturally flowing day by day, bringing me in touch with all of life, with amazing encounters and bringing lots of learnings. Seeing what it does to others is so touching. Like now I’m just resting after yet another inspiring day full of learnings with like-minded people who gathered in one space to expand our knowledge about body and energy, what makes it stuck and what makes it flow. And then after a full day full of powerful exchange, a relaxing sauna with the same crazy wild fun people! It’s not exactly tantra here, but my devotion to it brought me here in order to learn to serve my tribe even more.

I combine my work with travelling around the world - something I’ve been dreaming about just 6 years ago sitting in an office 9 to 5. I wanted to have a job for which I alone would be enough. No need for any tools or an office, and also not tied to any physical location. Being able to travel around the world was my dream. I was inspired by people at that time who had some sort of freedom. Coaches and trainers were my Light shadow carriers and I learned a lot from them and spent almost all my earnings on books, trainings and travelling. Some people ask me today “how do you manage to do it?” It’s actually quite simple. I just follow my passion. Passion brings me expansion and brings me money too. Last year I lived as a gypsy, nomad they call it today. And even then I could beautifully combine my work and travels.

And my partner whom I love dearly - what a blessing it is to be with someone who understands my every move and who feels me deeply, with whom I can be transparent 100% and who dares to be vulnerable and authentic to the degree that I sometimes just stare at him in awe thinking “My God, how did I manage to manifest you!? You are so much more than I could ever wish for.” And yes, it was a creation, if I’m honest. I created him in my consciousness first and then just relaxed for the Universe to match the right frequency to mine. All I needed for this manifestation was clarity on what I wanted and staying authentic about it at all times, in my words and in my deeds.

Did I have tough times on my journey? Oh yes. And still have some and most probably will also have in the future. AND I embrace them fully as part of life.

I wanted to share this joy of mine not to make you envious or upset if maybe your desired reality is not yet fully manifested. I wanted to share it in order to inspire you to DARE to dream and PURSUE your dreams. It’s possible for all of us. We are born as powerful creators. Some just need to release skepticism and mistrust accumulated over years, and maybe also turn envy into aspiration. And then start talking about your dream, start visualizing it, bringing it tangibly more and more into everyday life. The good thing about life is that you can not do anything wrong. It’s just impossible. And the Universe always applauds and supports when we follow our HEART, our PASSION, our JOY.

And one more thing: You may never FEEL ready to jump. You first jump and that’s what makes you ready. 

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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