Temple of Tantric Arts

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Turning Envy into Aspiration

If you are envious towards someone, this is a perfect time to fully acknowledge it and open up to receive the GIFT that it holds for you.

Envy arises when we see someone having something that we don’t have yet but would very much want for ourselves. It can be about material possessions, status, talents or qualities other human beings have.

What we need to realize is that people towards whom we experience envy are usually our light shadow carriers. They are possibly showing the next step our Identity or our Soul desires.

If something doesn’t inspire us in another, we won’t get envious, will we?

See who you are envious of and of what exactly. Isn’t that something that you would love to have for yourself?

Why is envy then creating an unpleasant feeling of pain or soreness inside and why so many people actually go into distance towards someone whom they envy, or go into conflict or start gossiping behind their back?

Seeing something in another that we desire for ourselves puts us face to face with the GAP between the desired and the current reality. Ego would love to have it right here right now and it hurts because it’s not yet here.

Thanks to owning my envy, I went to study abroad, I travelled, I became a coach, etc.

Some time ago I felt envious of a woman who served her mission of living life in line with her soul and connecting people to their truth. She risked herself and her reputation in her transparent daring sharings. In the beginning my mind started projecting on her that she was possibly inauthentic, otherwise why would she need to be so expressive about it.

But deep inside I knew that she was bringing light to the hidden parts of myself, where I was not yet fully honest with myself. Seeing her felt like a splinter in my finger and yet I kept following her. Again and again the pain would remind me where I was not yet fully myself, where I compromised, where fears were ruling over my passion.

Today I am grateful to her for showing me the WAY. She inspired me by her own example to follow my true North without a compromise.

I also discovered a fast and effective way to release envy... namely by sharing that I am envious with the person towards whom I feel it.

You may say “What? Never!”

Yes, it's not easy for the Ego, but it’s totally possible. I see it as a test whether I can sacrifice my identity for something bigger. This step is so transformational that it will make you resurface in a completely renewed and liberated state of being.

Once done, the envy will either dissolve because it was untrue or it will transform into ADMIRATION or ASPIRATION, which causes an incredible expansion.

And this is the gift that envy holds for us.

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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