Temple of Tantric Arts

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Is good enough, good enough?

Life has completely changed for me in this past year and I have made incredible discoveries and changes during this time on all regards and the one thing that keeps coming back more and more is that I am saying to myself that it's good enough for now, that things are already a lot better then just a year ago so it's good enough... But is this a big limiting belief?

Life certainly tries to prove so as it keeps throwing challenges at me it knows I can manage yet I don't. By hiding behind anything I can think of and using the excuse of "good enough" of how this 80% of a completed task is good enough as just a year ago I wouldn't even come close to it...

More and more I am noticing and being pointed at the fact that I am not living even close to my potential, limiting myself, believing that it's good enough. Being honest with myself I see it's a Big limiting belief powered by fears and conditioning.

Hiding behind this belief, this "excuse" i now see it helps me to stay well within my comfort zone on all fronts. When I now disappoint people it feels normal as I have been my whole life and it doesn't make me feel responsible because: hey, a year ago I would have disappointed you way more so, " its good enough". Writing it down, realizing it, gives me quite a feeling of discust towards myself.

I am sure it served me in the past and if I stay small, following my belief, I am sure this belief would keep me "satisfied /happy" only realizing I could have achieved so much more at the end of my life... But now that I want to create a company in which I want to share with people what is possible, focused on self love and intimacy. I don't want to be small anymore , I want to show myself!

Just because my whole life when I was smaller kids around me kept telling me I was useless, small, ugly... Kept bullying me, kicking me out of groups and leaving me behind, doesn't mean what they said and did was the truth... Hell they might even have been jealous of my potential!

In the end it doesn't even matter what's true or not, what matters is which belief I choose to follow and I am done following this limiting one! I know I can do so much more! There is so much endless amazing things to discover and learn that you would need a thousand lifetimes just to see it all and I am sitting here saying:, "ah, it's good enough for today, tomorrow is another day" but this stops now!

I don't know what my potential is or where it ends but today I drop this belief and embark on this new journey to find out just how far and wide my potential is.

Truly seeing this limiting belief and giving it light... I wonder what other limiting beliefs are playing out in my everyday life I am not yet aware of...

-I am strong! 
-I can achieve! 
-I do deserve! 
-I create my life!
-I am responsible!

Thank you Alexa Mira for seeing potential... For seeing me when I myself did not. You are my Sun, my amazing Unicorn. I cherish you, I value you, I feel you, I appreciate you, I love you and above all I thank you for being part of my life, being able to share not only the good and the great but also the less good and the less great, standing together as one, becoming stronger because of it.

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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