Temple of Tantric Arts

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Yoni is a Queen

She wants nothing more than to be worshipped and revered. 
She so doesn't tolerate being looked down at, disrespected or ignored.

By Yourself, dear woman ... and by others.

She is not interested to please anyone. 
She is beyond that.

And when you, dear woman, use her to please someone against her will, she will protect herself first by numbness and eventually by pain, so you don't even think of violating her again.

In the end, she is more powerful than you. If you are ignorant, she will dictate what you can do to her and what not.

She is incredibly wise - the sacred shrine of femininity and intuitive wisdom. And all she deeply wants is that You, dear woman, hear her.

And when you do, she will joyfully sparkle with the most incredible sensations. She will blossom like a flower in the morning dew. She will guide you to the most amazing places in your inner Universe.

She wants you to know, to cherish and to respect her.

Hear her Yes, and hear her No.
And trust her - she is the Queen.


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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