Temple of Tantric Arts

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This is to all Men

Guys, we want to see and feel your emotions!

Your intelligence, your confidence, your strength - we admire these qualities in you. But if you don't allow yourself to show us also your feminine side, we can't fully trust you. Something in us is on guard when we don't receive what you feel.

You may think "What? This is too feminine to feel and express emotions!" Exactly, this is the feminine side of you that we are also longing to see. In the same way as you wish to see your woman empowered and strong, being able to take care of herself if you are not around.

The biggest heart openings and admiration I experience when a man reveals his emotions, be it sadness or anger, disappointment or rage, when he dares to show his tears.

When you dare to acknowledge and share your emotions with us - this is such a power! It touches us. It allows us to see you and connect to you way deeper!

You can speak to your woman giving her all possible arguments about this and that, and it's all logical and it's all good, but emotions touch her and convince her way more than any most logical argument you will ever put forward. Seeing your emotions, she immediately feels your openness, your vulnerability. It speaks more than a thousand words.

I was recently working with a couple who had issues relating because she felt he did not receive her emotionally. It was creating such a big disconnect between the two. Indeed, a man who can't feel or express his emotions, also can't receive his woman's emotions. It may even feel scary, silly and irrational when you witness your woman being emotional. But it can only be perceived this way if you are not in contact with your own emotions.

So, please drop the idea that feeling and showing emotions is a weakness. If anything, it is a sign of you being ALIVE. Especially in the collectively conditioned world of ours that "men should not cry", your vulnerability is a sign of Courage and Strength.

It is such a Power to be able to take off all masques and dare to be fully seen.


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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