Temple of Tantric Arts

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Relaxing into Life means first of all relaxing into yourSelf.

But how can you relax into yourself if you don’t trust yourself, if your body is tense or numb, if your R-system is on the alarm thinking about survival?

Most people nowadays go to a doctor to find out why they are ill. As if the doctor knows better what’s going on in your own body. Then we are not satisfied with doctors, but rarely one thinks “how is it so that I disconnected from myself so much that I need an external person to tell me about every little thing that is going on in my own body?"

Have you ever felt an inner Yes for something? And then your mind kicked in and started analyzing it finding all kinds of pro’s and con’s. And then you followed your mind and betrayed your inner Yes. And the result is you no longer know who you are and what this whole life is about.

Most people participate in a rat race, attending to all kinds of external circumstances but themSelves. And then all these burnouts, bore-outs, depressions, anxieties. And even then... still trying to give from empty cups.

When completely lost and desperate, people maybe find a way to a shrink or to a personal development training. And then another race begins “how can I improve myself? or “how can I become better?” facing the continuous “not being enough” and “I don’t deserve it”. Check, do these external sources teach you to listen to yourself or they merely download new concepts into your mind which temporarily give you hope?

There is always something you can do better. But it won't change who you already Are. And you are magnificent as you Are. Who if not You should see it first? Why are you waiting for approval from others to tell you that you are enough? And even if they do, you doubt it. C'mon!! Can you see that it's a never ending story?

How can one trust oneself if the inner wisdom is neglected? 
If one is totally disconnected from oneSelf?

What if conversations with God is nothing else than conversations with yourSelf?

What if your own inner wisdom is right here already providing you with all the answers you long for, and is just waiting for you to awaken to it?


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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