Temple of Tantric Arts

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Don’t let yourself be stopped by Money.

Don’t let yourself be stopped by Money.

“I can’t do this because I don’t have (enough) money.”

It’s such a lie. Really.
The truth is...You don’t do it, because you don't choose it 100%. And you probably also believe that you first need money to choose for something 100%.

But the more you tell yourself that you "can’t" because you don’t have money, the more you believe in it and it becomes your truth. But it’s not the absolute truth. It's just a belief.

Money is energy. Work with this energy.

So, instead, open up to create things you want!

Keep dreaming about what you really want and making yourself available as an instrument to manifest it!

You never know how or in what way it will be manifested, but if it’s your authentic need or desire, it will.

Like this you can create not only money, but also a relationship if you are single, fulfilling work, etc.

It’s important to be authentic inside and outside that this is what you want. Share it with others, don’t be shy - align your inner and outer world. And be open to respond positively when opportunities come your way. Step into unknown, out of your comfort zone, if needed, because what we want but we don’t yet have today is probably because it’s outside of our comfort zone.
So, an opportunity for growth! Not everybody likes to step out of the comfort zone, because you might suddenly feel inadequate, stupid, incapable, but it’s all part of the creation process and how our Ego reacts to something out of the comfort zone.

Never block your dreams! Dreams are our inner compass guiding us through life and letting us experience it in full scope. 
The moment we block them, we settle down for mediocrity. But then, after a while, we'll ask ourselves "what's the point of such a life?".

Just a quick practical example:

In my early 20’s I wanted to get a Master degree in the Flemish Business School in Brussels. But I had only enough money for 1 year of studies which I saved from 1 year scholarship in Germany the year before. I had nothing for accommodation or general living. My parents did not want to sponsor me, because they wanted me to return back to Russia (as my dad had a vision of me taking over his business). But this was not what I wanted! And for what I wanted I did not have enough money. So, I had a choice. To backtrack and follow the 1+1 logic of thinking, return to Russia and do what was not what my heart was calling me to do. Or risk and open myself up to manifest what I wanted and what I needed for this. I chose the 2nd. I paid for 1 year of studies, not having any clue about how to sponsor the rest. I shared my situation with people I met, I wasn’t hiding it. It made me feel adventurous, on the edge. And then what manifested was that friends of my close friends invited me to stay at their place for the period of my studies and I did some sort of exchange with helping to cook for the family. I also started teaching Russian to two English and Irish ladies, which gave me some small money for living. I bought groceries in the cheapest Turkish stores for almost the whole year, but I still graduated and was lucky to immediately be employed by an international company upon graduation. Then 8 years of corporate experience followed and after 12 years spent in Belgium I got my Belgian citizenship.

From that one 'illogical' decision, life took a turn which still unfolds today.

I also choose to believe that sometimes we give to someone who needs our support and sometimes we are given support by someone who can provide it. It’s not linear. It doesn’t need to be the same person. On the level of the Universe it all balances out. If we believe the balance is needed. ;-)

Trust your creative powers - you are the source of your reality! 
And decide what you choose to believe in.

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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