Temple of Tantric Arts

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Sex and Spirituality

Sex and Spirituality

"From Sex to Superconsciousness" by Osho was the first book I read about sexuality written by a master.

Later I discovered books of David Deida which totally blew my mind. David was the first writer reading whom I GOT the sacredness of Intimacy, the sacredness of Sex. Reading his books my heart went wide open each time. I knew I was touching something very profound. Way beyond my conventional understanding of sex at that time.

As later I was finding ways to experience what was written in their books, I first hit very shallow and disappointing experiences. I had my old expectations and now also new ones in the way.

It took a while to sink deeper than sexiness and seduction, deeper than "I am open and I can do it", deeper than search for erotic pleasure. It took me to slow down first to such a degree that I found myself in the place where I lost what I had and I haven't found anything new that would be worth it.

Until... I became aware of the simplicity of it all. Like a light bulb went on! No fireworks, no peak experiences, just a natural flow of the life energy inside moving me, not trying to manipulate it in any way, connection right here right now without any filters or projections, breathing this precious simplicity and opening up wider and wider, allowing life energy to take over, surrendering to the natural movement, to the silence within which its all is happening.

After the first such experience I could not stop writing. Words were streaming down on paper. I would not call it creativity. It was not even me or my words. It was like something streaming through me in the form of words, reflecting the openness of my heart. I remember how my hands were shaking typing the words, being in awe of what was emerging.

And the 2nd experience was incomparable to anything. It was like my whole being descended into my body, into my womb. I was no longer inhabiting just the upper part of my body, but the whole body, as if my invisible being went through and inhabited every cell. In that moment I felt my womb very clearly, I understood what it really means to be a woman, what a gift it is. Since then I feel my womb very vividly. This is where deep Trust emerged. Not from the mind, but from the very core. Trust in myself, trust in life.

Through sex, when practiced with spirit, with consciousness, we can touch realms which are not accessible by other means. Maybe only through drugs... I don't know. But the effect of drugs ends, while openings that emerge through conscious sex remain.

Today I'm just in awe and deep reverence to the gift of life energy that streams through all of us. When we treat it purely, it connects us to the depths of ourselves and to the endlessness of this whole Universe.

I feel like sharing more about it. It feels good now. As if the space opened up and can receive.

Photo made by Karolien Verbeeck 🙏✨

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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