Temple of Tantric Arts

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Enough suppressing Life

Enough suppressing Life

There are collective strategies many of us unconsciously use to suppress our life energy.

"I don't want to say what's true for me because I may hurt someone."
"S//he is not ready to hear my truth."
"It's most certainly lunar eclipse that is creating all of this emotional havoc in me."
"If I share my feelings of pain and frustration - it's reactive. I better come from creation and show my "angel" side."
"I rest in my higher self, in awareness, and am beyond this Shakti (emotions and thoughts) movement in me and others."

Aaahhh, this disguised spiritual bullshit I'm so tired of! 
Really. :-)

I see so many people for years doing consciousness work and saying one or more of the above, thus suppressing the flow of life that streams through them. Rationalizing life away. Afraid to ruin their spiritual self-image. Chickening out to show vulnerability.

Whatever you feel - why would you be ashamed of it? 
Why would you hide it?

Yes, you may be angry.
Yes, you may feel pain.
Yes, you may feel sadness.
You are human after all!

But if you shy away from it, if you don't accept it in yourself, you are distancing yourself from yourself, and as a consequence from others, from life.

The only reason you'd do it is because you are so identified with some ideal self-image how you should be, what you should feel and not, how you want others to perceive you.

It's a concept that is worth questioning. 
Spiritual identity is more powerful than any other.

Feelings that you experience are there mostly for a reason. They are such an invitation to be alive, to learn about yourself, to see deeper, to experience life in its totality, to discover something new. They make you question, evolve, discover!

Do you really believe that it's You who hurts others by saying what's true for you? No. It's their attitude towards what you say that hurts or uplifts them.

And even if you try to be so polite and hurt noone, guess what, someone will still be offended. Heard about projections? You have no power about others projections on you. ðŸ˜‚

Yet, I also understand that I'm part of the equation and part of the whole picture. When someone tells me that they were hurt by my action, it is an invitation for me to open up to hear what's going on, it invites a conversation, where we both can see and feel what this situation is inviting us for, what's the gift of this particular constellation for both of us.

It's silly in that moment to pretend that it's only THEM who are feeling it and try to defend your point of view. We both are in this situation and together we can see the total picture. Alone mostly we can't.

Otherwise, there is a distance between us. A distance that is most often not even based on any true facts.

Through a conversation where we both commit to understand and feel each other we can clarify it, we can bring light to the darkness.

Yes, some other things may be stirred up by the conversation. It's OK. Don't be afraid of the Shakti energy, she is unpredictable, but so powerful at the same time. Dive and feel, look and breath. You'll come out richer than ever before.

Just don't go into pretense. It's a big stopper for energy flow. It's like you say "I'm a cucumber" while everyone can see you are still a human.

Own your feelings, and at the same time be aware they are not the absolute truth, so be open to hear another perspective, feel another person and where they are coming from. Something beautiful and NEW has a potential to emerge from these conversations.

I love life in all its expressions. I love you angry, pissed off, sad. I love you alive! <3

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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