Temple of Tantric Arts

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I was asked this question recently:"Why do you practise/teach Tantra?"

I was asked this question recently:
"Why do you practice/teach Tantra?"

It was a Gift to reflect and crystallize why indeed I teach Tantra and not something else.

The most important thing that my heart beats for is supporting people to come Home.

By Home I mean a place inside of me and each of us, where I feel totally Me, where I don't need to perform or pretend, where I experience completeness and wholeness with myself and Life.

It's a place of deep trust that no matter what happens, it's going to be alright.

It's a place of knowing that I'm already perfect. Not perfect as in any particular concept of perfection, but perfect with all there is, including all possible human imperfections.

It's a place where forgiveness is a natural state, no matter how big the pain is/was. My identity can still think this or that but deep inside all is already forgiven, accepted and loved.

It's a place where I seek no recognition, but make my choices from a deep surrender to the flow of life.

Why is it important for me to guide people Home?

Because, in my experience, once I realized who I was (which is so damn simple... and I believe the degree of this realization will just keep expanding), then Life really just started for me. This is when I got what an unconditional Joy of being alive means.

And I so wish for everyone to experience the FULLness of life, especially when I see so many people are lost, confused, numb or suffering, not seeing their own power, disconnected from their inner wisdom.

I am deeply trusting doing this work following my intuition at each step, choosing a perspective that everyone needs their own time and unique experiences from the moment they take on a journey. And that the journey in itself is an amazing gift.

For instance, one of the very powerful stages I chose to live through to remove the wall between me and Me, were my Fears. One by One. Until at least one fear was still actively alive in my system, it clouded my perception as I still identified with it, as if it was me being afraid. Fears led me astray. Fear is a powerful charged energy.

Facing them, living through the darkness, opened up so much space inside!

And yes, identity can still be afraid. It's like a little child. But the deeper Me today knows it's not true.

Who is this me then if I say I'm neither this fear nor any other energy, thought, emotion?

This is the most difficult for people on their path - to stop identifying with their roles in life, their emotional states, their status, level of wealth, marital status, you name it.

Maybe each of us needs to loose that which we are holding onto to see the raw truth of our Vastness, of our Magnificence, which has nothing to do even closely with what we possess or hold on to. Not many of us are ready for it, and it's OK.

At the same time, it's important to drop the need to arrive somewhere, but rather travel through life from "I've arrived and from here I expand."

And what do I do when I don't identify with anything?


I just rest and let Life take me. Life is not outside of me, we are not separate. Life is me, I am Life. It moves through this body so beautifully, if only I care to listen. And it guides me places to have various experiences.

Tantra or anything else, it doesn't really matter for me.
I might as well be guiding people through gardening or dancing.

People can be guided Home through many different paths - singing, service, following passion, meditation, yoga, even an accident or deeply painful experiences like death of someone they love or a divorce.

But it's important for me to stay true to what I'm most authentic in transmitting. At this moment, it's Tantra and Silence, because I have experienced how through this portal my inner Being got free.

Where are you guided towards? 
What's in your field of resonance?

Trust it. Your inner wisdom guides you to the right portal for You at this time.

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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