Temple of Tantric Arts

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Deep sleep.

We can live this life from a deep sleep, following our Mind that has collected a lot of concepts of how things should be. Or, we can give space to Life itself to unfold through us. Some call the latter Divine guidance, Inner source, Intuition.

People who live following their Mind, they either live an OK life, not good not bad, OK. It can even be "successful" life in the eyes of society. They are somewhat numb and in the race of life don't stand still what they really feel underneath it all. Maybe they don't even care what they feel. Their train is on high speed moving to their next destination.

And other people who live from the Mind suffer acutely with all sorts of unpleasant emotional and mental states, physical and psychological illnesses. They know this life is not making them happy, but for one or another reason, they can't numb themselves, and they also don't yet know how to live differently. Some go to doctors and get numbing pills, others start searching for answers in books and trainings.

People driven by the mind usually strive to live this life "correctly" according to either their own ideas and norms, or those of others. And naturally, they are often conflicted, because mind operates in Polarities.

At the end of the day, many of them silently wonder why, even though externally they may have everything they thought would make them happy, they are still unfulfilled. So they keep looking for ways to be fulfilled by different means, looking for the "correct" way: the right partner, the right job, the right set of circumstances, the right diet, the right strategy. Inner resignation is a common state, only deep inside there is still somewhere the knowing that "there must be more to life."

Some of them will start their spiritual search here and as the Light of Awareness creates a crack in their darkness, they start waking up.

Slowly but surely they move in the direction of embracing their emotions and understanding the reasons why they experience them, they start looking at their fears and needs without denial or running away. They learn to distinguish what inside of them creates their responses to various experiences. Step by step they wake up to the realization how they have always been creating their own reality. They don't yet fully see that their reality is a reflection of their state of consciousness, but they start listening to life moving through them, when they dare to quit the everyday automatic race mode and allow themselves to listen to what their body needs, what they need, and slowly start taking steps in the direction of creating it for themselves. They may suddenly realize the absurdity of the modern Human Doing and that it's time to return to Human Being. Bigger part of the day is still lived by the mind, because life of the past years has gained a strong momentum, so it takes time to redirect it to a different railtrack. They still find themselves making compromises which feel "correct" yet don't feel good at all. Inner conflicts and doubts are very present in different areas of life. Yet more and more, they notice a difference of their experience when they listen to life in them (their first impulse, their intuition, their feeling, their body) or when they live from old and dead concepts created by the mind. It can be one of the most turbulent states and periods in life.

There are various stages of the above as people move through layers and layers of their conditioning and start seeing more and more what's going on. They start waking up.

For the courageous, the awakening leads to the full embrace of Life and letting go of all concepts.

Those who choose Life in its Totality realize that their natural impulses, feelings, intuition don't lie. That even if mind doesn't understand the impulse and creates all kinds of contra-arguments or fears around it, they still choose to follow it. They are not afraid to make a mistake, because they realized that "mistake" is a mind concept. Life doesn't care about concepts. These people understand that their actions and choices have consequences and they take full responsibility for them, embracing the fears that surface in the process. They allow themselves to fully go into darkness when it comes, and they celebrate the light in Totality when it's there. They do not try to reframe fears, or deny them, they fully embrace them and live through them, breathing, moving, facing them. They also embrace and move all other emotions in their body, not giving them any status of good or bad, giving them all space to move. They breath deeply. They know that fears are keys to inner freedom. That fears are an invitation to their expansion, evolution. So they live through fears one by one, thus liberating themselves. They no longer enter compromises, and if they do, they share their authenticity fast which allows for the old to die and something New to emerge. They can't pretend any more. Therefore they feel very relaxed and in integrity with themselves, even though many people may not understand and even judge their choices and actions as they don't stick to any particular concept(s). Today they may do one thing, and tomorrow, in a similar situation, another thing. And they are fully alive in their body and spirit, because they chose life itself as a main ally.

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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