Temple of Tantric Arts

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Full Body De-Armoring

Full Body De-Armoring

This is what I'm learning this weekend.

Until now I specialized mainly in sexual de-armoring to support men and women to give re-birth to their relationship with their sexuality and return to self-love.

It's so exciting to learn now even more about freeing life energy in all parts of the body. Having spent here just two days (out of 4!) practicing to give and receive already shows so many benefits. A sense of deep relaxation, fullness, pleasant tingling all over the body.

De-armoring done in a soft way by pressing certain trigger points on the body. It can create either a sense of pleasure or pain. And by breathing through it, one relaxes and releases the tension.

De-armoring literally means removing armor. The armor is usually made of unprocessed emotions that got stuck in the body and created tension somewhere, or contraction which may also impair full breath, or excess weight. Our body is literally a reflection of our relationship to our emotions. It goes out of balance when we live in resistance, judgements, don't forgive, etc. We may not even remember any more what created the armor, because it may have taken place in our childhood or some months ago, but through the body we get access to it. Body speaks to us and de-armoring helps to release all unprocessed and unacknowledged stuff thus clearing pathways for the life energy to flow freely.

When Life energy flows freely, we experience high vitality, aliveness, pleasant sensations all over the the body.

We humans are capable of doing also self-dearmoring. Yes, we can heal ourselves. This is not what I learn here but I practice it since a couple of years already and it's an amazing feeling to know your own body and to dance with it in unison, to hear what it needs and to be able to give it.

As from October I'll start offering full body de-armoring sessions. Welcome! ðŸŒ¹

#gettoknowyourself #befreeinyourbody

About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.

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