Temple of Tantric Arts

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Last day in Tamera

Last day in Portugal (for now)

1,5 years ago I got this strong desire/calling to reach 1000’s of people with Tantra work. A desire to share with the world the impact of this work on lives of people who step in and open themselves to the tantric field. I heard a voice inside, I dreamed about it. And the personal me, Alexa, was intimidated and wondering “how will I ever be able to realize it?”

Today, I understand that desires and callings are the voice of my soul showing me next milestone(s) that life wants to manifest through me. When the calling becomes clear, it’s life asking me to re-align and prepare to surrender for manifesting something through this mind and body.

1 year ago, I got the message that this manifestation will happen through a video channel. I smiled and surrendered to start recording videos. Below is the first video I recorded. After recording a few videos, there was no aliveness for it inside of me anymore. So I decided not to force, stayed open and listened, declaring to the Goddess “use me for this creation if you want it to come through me, I’m open”.

All happened very differently than my mind could ever imagine. In October 2022, a TV program contacted me to make a documentary about Tantra. My first reaction was “It’s not possible!”, but then I remembered the calling and it started making sense.

6 months later, in March 2023, the video crew was in Module 1 of the 1 year program “Expansion into Love” to film.

10 days ago, I saw the first draft of the documentary. In August, I’ll see the 2nd draft and, if all goes well, in September it will be aired on VTM, the Flemish TV.

I woke up this morning in Albufeira, realizing that visiting Tamera was a strong calling of my heart already since several years. And even though originally upon arrival in Tamera I felt like I landed amongst a bunch of hippies who are still living the momentum of Love & Peace from the 70’s, I am so glad that 8 days were enough to see through the form and receive deeper gifts from their field.

Following the heart’s calling is not a luxury, it’s the only way that makes sense. When I surrender to it, an invisible force supports and arranges it all to happen so much more beautifully than I could ever imagine achieving anything by myself alone. I only need to make the first step.

With love,

Alexa Mira