Temple of Tantric Arts

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Day 1 in Tamera

Tamera is a community of 150 permanent residents of all ages that has been established 28 years ago in Portugal, and has its roots 40 years back in Germany. I’ve heard about it from so many people in my life who visited and lived/studied here.

And now I’m here myself. For their first introduction program.

Tamera’s vision is to birth Terra Nova - a world beyond war - by building Healing Biotopes as futuristic centers to research and model new planetary culture.

They offer education on how to build autonomous and interconnected communities, free of violence and war.

One of the pillars of Terra Nova according to Tamera is Free love and sexuality.

Yesterday, upon arrival we received a little brochure with key info that included the Ethics of Free Love. Sharing it here.

It’s exciting to land in a totally new collective context within a bigger collective context.

The first gathering will begin in 30 minutes with about 60 people from all over the world who came to attend this week. I am curious how they lay the foundations for this delicate topic.

Alexa Mira