Temple of Tantric Arts

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Family Festival

Last 3 days we spent at a Festival

Where did my focus lie without me needing to even think or decide about it?

On Families.

Families with smaller children, and how they went about it. I received so much beautiful transmission this weekend.

It’s been a bit more than 3 years since I am experiencing what it means to create and be consciously part of a family.

And even though I still often find it challenging to not have my own life as priority number one any more, having a child changed the whole game of being human. From living with an open heart most of the time to unconditional sacrifice when needed, the way it stretches us parents is unbelievable.

By a matter of chance (or rather not), upon arrival we installed our brand new tent in a beautiful green area next to a river, where we had plenty of space around… at first.

Pretty quickly all that space was filled with a tribe of families who knew each other one way or another, and who formed sort of a community. After an initial disappointment that all the green space in front of us was filled up with tents, I quickly started loving the spirit these particular families brought together. It was cosy, it was warm, they had their own time, and they gathered to share time together. It was very friendly and respectful within their own tribe and towards others. With songs, with conversations, with dance, they shared time together throughout the days. They included us from time to time too (breakfast with pancakes, a conversation here and there) and it gave me a real time feeling of how it can be. Being part of a community, even just for a short period of time.

Children playing together. Different ages.

Parents sharing time, space, responsibility.

Waking up in the night each time when someone else’s child started crying and calling for mama, was a bit less charming, but this my brain started filtering out by night 3.

It was warm on my heart to be there these past days. Till last weekend, I’ve been only pondering “how would it be to be part of a community?”

We ended up spending a lot of time at our tent as this was the time we enjoyed the most, (or alternatively in the kids area with all the yoga and other activities for the little ones). Having this village feeling, an expanded family, sacred and simple space of Togetherness.

Next time, we have to take good quality ear plugs to also enjoy the music and dances at festivals like this. A good friend of ours gave protective headphones for Alisia, but even for adults it’s a hardcore impact.