Temple of Tantric Arts

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Who are You?

When you feel peaceful, it doesn’t mean you are more Yourself than when you experience a strong emotion.

Both are just an experience that You have.

And in fact, even if you wanted to, you can’t ever stop being Yourself.

What You identify with makes a difference though.

Who are You?

Beyond all the labels and all the concepts.

This question can’t be answered by the mind. Because You are not the mind (you HAVE the mind) and the mind can’t grasp what’s beyond it.

It’s like fish can’t see water, we can’t see who we are from the box of our mind.

In Tantra, we access it through rituals that lead us to altered states of consciousness and that can give us a direct experience of who we are, without conditioning, before language, and even before identification with the body.

Usually, after a glimpse into their true nature, people look to anchor in this realisation, and it may take many many years to en-LIGHT-en all the human layers that we accumulated and that separate us from living this realisation in our everyday life.

Awakening is a fascinating process which often feels like one step forward two steps back. Sometimes, you may even feel like there is no progress at all for a long time, until one day you suddenly reap the benefits of your journey manifold, like a shower of grace.

Many people are afraid of unpleasant emotions and use a lot of energy to manage them and control them. It may be useful to know that an emotion is just energy that either gets locked or moves through you depending on whether you are open for it or afraid of it. What locks it in your body is thinking it should not be there, suppressing it, or feeling pity with yourself for having it.

Open up, feel it in your body, move, breath, sound, dance with it, explore the thought pattern that created it. Wanna go a step further? Transmute it with the power of your sexual energy.

You are inherently FREE.

With love,

Alexa Mira