Temple of Tantric Arts

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Something else is Cooking

Something else is cooking here at Temple of Tantric Arts.

Tomorrow we are at Leuven University in Belgium, invited by their student counsel to give an interactive workshop to students about the Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin, after they had a sexual harassment incident at the end of last year.

In the past, there have been several attempts from our graduates to get us to teach in the universities in Belgium and in the Netherlands. Attempts both by professors who attended our retreats as well as by regular and PhD students. The number one thing they usually say after doing this work is "Gosh! Everyone needs to know this!! From school onwards. It would save people from so many stupid mistakes and allow for true Love to be sustained in relationships." This is what I feel too. This work needs to reach people at an early enough age.

Officially, universities are open to invite people to teach based on appropriate university degrees. My multiple coaching certificates are not good enough for them. And my International Business university diploma is not valid for the topic of sexuality.

The call to teach to younger generations is being answered now thanks to a student/our graduate who initiated it and is making it happen from inside of the student counsel.

Sometimes I wonder if I maybe should do a 1 year of sexology studies at a university to get a diploma and thus an official access to university students to do this work. It needs to reach people ideally at teen age, not after a divorce or two and with accumulated pain and numbness in our psyche and bodies, from not knowing better.

Last year, I was approached by two business students who had to do a presentation about someone whose life in their perception was radically different from theirs. These two students approached me for an interview.

One of the biggest surprises for them was the fact that I don't live by rules or concepts but by what feels true and right in the moment, not from my head but from my heart. Not guided primarily by the financial results in my business, but by the calling of my heart. Not saying yes to interesting projects, if there is no HELL YES inside of me.

My sharing unlocked such a wave of reciprocal sharing from their side about how they feel "imprisoned" by the system already at this young age, how they suffer from stress and anxiety during exam times, how they feel their whole youth they need to comply with this and that, and how little time there is to flow, to enjoy life, to do what they truly desire to do.

One of these students entered my LIVE work later in the year and is entering the 1 year program later this year. The few students that are appearing in our circle now make us inspired to create a similar 1 year Tantra program for the specific age group from 18 to 26 years old. Specifically designed for this age group. It is also based on the feedback that they always tend to look to practice with the youngest in the group, as practicing with much older people feels unsafe and unnatural. It's understandable, and we are completely on board with this supporting them to always make choices that feel right and aligned.

Exciting times!