Temple of Tantric Arts

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Being in the space of the last retreat awakened CLARITY in me.

I saw it once again that holding space in a Tantric Temple is the most aligned space to be Me. This is a space where things are crystal clear, transparent and visible. This is where I feel deeply connected to my dharma which is awakening to our deepest truth and living from it. In this space, working with others is natural and comes from a deep and authentic space. It's easy for me to guard my boundaries and to take the best self-care there..

Every time I leave the Tantric space, my cup is overflowing with love, connection, gratitude, pleasure in my body, clarity on next steps in my life. It's like going to my church to re-connect with the deepest wisdom and clarity just about anything.

This time clarity emerged about an even deeper alignment that is needed in life outside of holding space in a Tantric gathering. I realized that the way my life is structured at the moment costs me more energy than what I have. As a result, I breath less deeply and I skip the beat of life, not fully feeling and living its every moment. I wonder how it would be to honor the slowest part in me?

So, this week, I was focusing on taking actions to RE-ALIGN.

The biggest question I am asking myself these days is:

What do I still do today that is not aligned to my potential which I feel wants to be expressed?

Letting go bit by bit to create space and time for things that are aligned.

This past week, I've been talking to a couple of potential personal assistants with a broad skillset to support me with all the things that I don't want and don't need to do myself anymore, from answering general emails to setting up structures for things to run smoothly. I cross my fingers that the right person will be confirmed this month. Just the prospect of it feels to me like a big relief, because I so strongly feel called to step into expanded creation and for this I need way more time, space and energy.

With Dylan, we had some profound conversations these past couple of days, where we both expressed our true needs and desires as well as things that give us energy and take energy away. We are clearly in a transition not only into a new form of relating, but also in how we run our daily life as partners together. It is liberating to be able to be so honest with each other. My biggest value in relating is sharing our truth with each other, living from our authentic calling and creating our togetherness from there. It is not always evident, but so far we've always beautifully managed to find creative ways to address any seemingly impossible to bridge polarities.

I don't want to create an illusion that we only have beautiful moments and we have it all easily sorted out. Sometimes it takes days, weeks or months to arrive to a co-created reality that feels right for both of us. And because we don't live in a box, the pace of change in our life is quite high, so we already developed quite a muscle in creatively addressing arising polarities. The one polarity we are zooming in right now is plain household - literally how to keep the outer space aligned to our inner reality with the least amount of energy.

Today, we also had a profound conversation about our soul's calling and Dylan realized that he's been compromising on his path as an individual, putting family and our relationship as a priority. I supported him in seeing that it doesn't really serve neither both of us as a couple, nor our family, nor himself. We spoke about fears, insecurities, stepping into unknown, taking it one step at a time and trusting. It was remarkable to observe how him embracing the possibility of stepping into his Light made my Yoni so alive and longing for him. SHE is clearly a priestess.

Also in my work, I am re-aligning, not taking new clients these next couple of months, just focusing on what is already set in motion with my undivided attention. Supporting my 40+ 1-Year Tantra Program students on their journey between the modules, working with several long-term coaching clients, and preparing for the next big happening where I'm pouring my heart and soul into - "Honoring the Sacred Retreat" for Women in October.

Re-aligning things in business too on many levels, getting deeper clarity about the focus I want to put on next year and preparing the ground for providing the most expansive soul-journeys for my students.

Life is so abundant and graceful. I am happy about the people that are now present in my life. This is truly the biggest wealth.