Temple of Tantric Arts

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Our first family vacation was a big "What?!"

I really enjoyed the last part, after I have learned how to navigate the space where everything revolves around Alisia. When you don't have small kids, it's maybe hard to understand. The vacation is no longer about you. Dylan rocks, best dad ever!!! I would not survive alone. And Alisia is the most adorable and demanding little monster.

Most challenging was not being able to make love whenever we want, cause most of the time Alisia was around, and the only 'our' time we had was when she was asleep. Which is not in our best flow as we are both morning people and mostly she is up early and in bed for longer hours in the evening.

What I did enjoy A LOT is a space and disconnection from the outside world after a very intense summer full of studies, work and other projects. I loved that we spent most of the time close to water - lakes or sea. I loved our family moments when we all were content and enjoying together. And also Me-time that I started incorporating later on as my learning progressed - going to spa alone, or reading, or going for my cappuccino on the shore, while Dylan played with Alisia, realizing that being on vacation with a family doesn't by default mean Me-time.

Now, stepping to lead a juicy Module 2 "Shining Light on Hidden Desires" with 25 adults feels like going on MY vacation after OUR family vacation, doing what I love 24/7 for the next 4 days. And with the most amazing team ever - almost all experienced assistants are on board. 7 couples in the space this time and the rest are either single or attending without their partner.

Let's make the best out of this exploration into Authentic Eroticism - play, expand, have fun!