Temple of Tantric Arts

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Celebrating my Birthday

Thank you all very much for your warm wishes on my birthday. I am blessed by this abundance.

The gifts that touched me a lot were donations to my brother as he and his family are in a situation to create everything from scratch after their house disappeared in flood a couple of weeks ago, and it touches me again and again how people around me lived into their situation and chose to help. Thank you so much for the depth of my heart.

Birthday is a day I love to celebrate.

This year, I chose to celebrate it with a small circle of friends, people I deeply trust and love to have fun with. It was incredibly nourishing to spend time together, each of us flowing in our own way, then coming together and doing some fun stuff, then flowing again, and re-uniting and celebrating together, ah, I really enjoyed the last few days. A few hours ago, the last friend left the house and we are back to our family bubble.

With friends, we sat together in a circle and envisioned our full year from now on and shared our dreams and aspirations for the coming year. For each of us it was pretty clear what we desire to manifest and it was just lovely to see the light intensifying in the eyes as we were sharing and supporting each other to connect with the vision.

I desire to allow even more PLEASURE in my life. Yes, I allow already a lot of it, and I wish to integrate it even more in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I do, so that the separation between pleasure and doing other things fades away.

I desire to prioritize rest as equally sacred as the work I so much love doing. This past year, I've been finding myself often out of balance, and I feel that this is no longer something I wish to compromise. Exactly in order to serve the work even more purely.

I desire to be guided internally into the best possible way to create a broader Tantric field where people live a life from their inner source/essence/soul beaming as a community, supporting each other, and celebrating this life together. Dylan and I have started playing with an idea to live as a broader family of tantrikas together.

For this, I desire to have even more support, and I'm starting a search for the 2nd personal assistant as my dear Gerty is now fully on a mission in growing & expanding her beautiful family and is therefore less available.

I desire to grow our beautiful family further. Alisia is the most amazing creation I've ever witnessed. It's a love story beyond comprehension. And I welcome a new creation.

I desire to surround myself with beautiful artwork by people I know and am inspired by.

And I desire to create all of this in a beautiful HARMONY.

I celebrate this life and my parents for gifting this incredible opportunity!