Temple of Tantric Arts

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How I feel about the next lockdown

I was listening to the radio today about the next lockdown coming... with all the strict measures again like schools being closed, even more limited number of people we can see, and many other measures, and there were 3 parts in me I could see & hear.

The first part in me is very tired of these rules and restrictions imposed in a top bottom approach. I ponder about this question: How can population be engaged in co-creating decisions and solutions, so you and I are not at the mercy of a few people who make decisions? My heart breaks for everyone who is unfavorably impacted by the measures that are being taken as they don't take all of the arising from them problems into account.

The other part is very rebellious. "I wanna f--king break the rules!" Pissed off, angry, enraged. And I had a good chance to live it out today. I got stuck in a huge traffic jam direction Antwerp running late for the appointment at the Russian Consulate to pick up Alisia's Russian Passport (she received a Russian nationality today). Knowing Russian authorities, you better be on time or wait another 2 months. So, I had to choose which rule to brake, and took the right lane which is empty and passed the whole traffic jam, and at the end of it was caught by an enraged policeman who promised to send a nasty paper to my address. I was at least happy he did not take my license away and I could still make it perfectly on time to the consulate.

And the third part of me can give place to this whole mess and reframe it positively. This part is very grateful to life even with this experience, actually also thanks to this uneasy experience. It just wants to surrender to any experience, beautiful or ugly. There is this Yes that is always there no matter what.

I have a question to all of you:

How can we best support each other in this next lockdown wave?

Any ideas?

I personally feel the calling to support single parents to the degree it's possible for me now, by stepping in where they may struggle. Even though I'm in the busiest period of my life now (with studies and still ongoing renovations, and preparing to move, and work, and...), I want to include supporting single parents in the area of Limburg, Belgium who may struggle more than me.