Temple of Tantric Arts

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Celebrating Human Sexuality

Today, I imagine a society/community that celebrates human sexuality in the highest possible way.

This is what I envision from my heart

In such a society, sexual safety is the foundation.

Mutual consent is at the core of every sexual interaction. It is taught in kindergartens and schools, from love, not from fear.

People understand that sexual energy is the primordial energy that is the source of all creation and of all existence, as well as the energy that lets us tap straight into our divinity while having a human experience. It is therefore deeply honored as a life giving force. Life giving in the literal sense of pro-creation, but also life-giving being at the source of living attuned to our deepest core, creativity, pleasure and joy.

Children in such society are raised with sexual awareness, taught to relate to their bodies with love and respect. Children's sexuality is respected by adults, self-exploration is supported, and empowering communication is encouraged. Sexual education comes from empowerment rather than from fear. Children in this society from early on feel safe and beautiful in their unique bodies, and they also learn from baby onwards to communicate consent and boundaries in all areas of life, while being respected in that by their caretakers.

All ages are honored in their sexual/erotic self-expression, in various forms of expressions, always consensual. Such society guards/protects sexual vulnerability of children and teenagers from the empowered space.

There is full acceptance of which gender or non-conforming folks people choose to love. If a man chooses to love and be sexual with another man it is as normal and honored as when a man chooses to love and be sexual with another woman. Non-binary folks are equally respected as clearly-gender identified.

Monogamy, marriage, open relating, non-exclusive, polyamory and all other forms of relating be it hetero-, homo-, queer, pan-sexual or asexual are equally given a status of "normal" honoring each one's uniqueness. If a person chooses to love and be sexual with several people, or be in a long-term relationship with several people - it is treated as normal as any other form of relating.

Religions promote the sacredness of sexuality and play an educational role by giving tools and actively showing how sexuality can be practiced in and for direct connection with the higher wisdom, Universe, God, as one of the paths equal to meditation and prayer.

People who want to engage in an unconsented sex are approached with love and support rather than with judgement, blame and punishment. One never knows what was their history that wired their brain this way, and these people are offered tools from deep love and acceptance to help them come back into their own sovereignty and therefore also into respect of other's sovereignty.

Society that breathes with sexual freedom and empowered sexual self-expression, where the majority's choice doesn't make it more normal than the minority's choice.

Pleasure is celebrated as the life giving energy that connects us with the frequency of love through our body.

In such society, people live from their authentic core, from the true expression of their soul, in joy and creativity, sharing their true gifts with each other. Love, gratitude and celebration are the usual everyday frequencies that are reflected in people's eyes, smiles and actions.

This is the world I want my daughter to grow in and to be part of.

(I realize that sharing my vision as it is may challenge many worldviews and opinions - I accept this. And I am equally open to any other views on this topic, because in the end this is what it is - honoring each other in our uniqueness.)

What do you see, hear, feel when you think of a community/society that celebrates human sexuality in the highest possible way?