Temple of Tantric Arts

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So a parent, so a baby

Today, Dylan and I had a reflection about how our energy that is composed of how we feel, what we think, if there is harmony or not between us as parents, impacts how our baby feels and behaves.

Harmony as Energy. Not a pretense of harmony.

Cause this tiny being feels what's true, what's really there.

When we are agitated, she becomes agitated. Not necessarily immediately, it can take some delay, but it will surely show.

When we are not in harmony with each other, she becomes needy. She claims our attention and presence by being loud, making angry faces, tensing her body. It feels to me like fear to be left behind or something, so she makes sure we really hear and see her.

And the opposite, when we are in harmony, she is so peaceful, sleeps long hours, plays on her own, can wait some extra time to be fed, smile on the face. Easy-peasy.

Of course, there are also times when teeth come through, which is annoying for her, or she has a period of intense growth, when she only wants to be held and fed as much as possible. And even in these instances, there can be a difference, whether she is manageable or super intense.

She mirrors us energetically.

In the first 6 months of her life, I was mostly zen and calm, and so she was an easy baby too. During the last month, I experience being tired, at times exhausted, mood swings, and I experienced her changing into a more demanding baby.

At least I know what to do.

I wonder how directly correlatable her being will be versus our being as she develops her own identity/character later on cause now she doesn't have an identity yet.

Parents of babies and toddlers, what do you observe?