Temple of Tantric Arts

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7 Months on this planet

You're the biggest HEART opener ever!

And not only opener, but also a keeper.

Thanks to you I feel so much love, and also thanks to you I feel so much pain. It's like everything is amplified 100-fold. I am touched to tears when I look at you as much as when I look at some other gifts of nature. I feel pain when I read about other children not growing up in safe environments, without parents, or loving caretakers. I feel a knife-sharp pain when I see cruel attitude to nature, animals, humans.

Thanks to you, I bow deeply to Mothers and Fathers, Grandmothers and Grandfathers that raised children alone or in difficult circumstances.

Thanks to you, I have been having a lot of sleepless nights, which made me overly sensitive. Today, I can relate so much more to highly sensitive people.

Thanks to you, I quickly and instinctively learned how to put someone else on the 1st place, often parking my own needs. It's not a good idea in the long run, so I have to be very clear here and watch out that I don't start sacrificing my own well-being in favor of yours. Continuous search for balance - your needs vs my needs.

Thanks to you, I learn to be creative when it comes to intimacy with your father. Him working full time in a 9am to 5pm job, and you having your muse and needy times exactly after 5pm. New experience having you cheering us with lots of bubbly emotions when we roll in bed. OML!

Thanks to you, I discovered how creative Dylan is in his role as a father as he reveals his gifts when spending time with you, playing with you (most natural thing for him!), doing crazy things with you when my heart almost stops.

It's clear to me that it's not my dharma to be a FULL TIME mom forever, however I do feel this 1st year spending with you every day is very very precious.

My soul is calling me to do my work, and to integrate you into it organically, step by step, without needing to cause separation between us. For this, I learn to SLOW DOWN, so that you can be part of it, of most things I do, like I already integrated you in most household activities.

You are the most precious GIFT from life, Alisia, and I pray for your long and happy life where you can realize the longing of your heart and your soul's calling completely.

Much love, my precious being,

Your Mama