Temple of Tantric Arts

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My journey to Crete

It's 5am on Crete.
Gorgeous and bright full moon.

Some of us made it to Crete yesterday. What a journey it was over the past few months. For me, for the team, for participants. Corona created quite a havoc in people's consciousness. From 20+ participants we had registered for each of the two retreats we are down to less than 10. Ok, I say to myself, it also has its benefits. Small intimate groups - we will go even deeper than ever before, I feel, as those who finally will make it have the calling that is so strong.

For me personally the journey here was quite smooth as a whole and in the last practical details. Corona test was not as bad as I imagined, and it was ready really fast, only 12 hours. Tickets to fly were quite cheap and available, even if you fly last minute. All is well organized in the airports and airplanes. And once landed on Crete, this peaceful and abundant island, my body totally relaxed, embraced by nature elements. Yesterday, we were treated an amazing local dinner with Cretan hospitality and generosity as a WELCOME.

Yesterday morning at 6am at the airport, at the check in, they informed us that my daughter Alisia couldn't fly with us, because we did not request a QR code for her (our mistake). We assumed, no corona test for babies, no QR code. So, last minute we had to decide who stays with her, Dylan or myself. First reaction was, of course, it's me! I'm breastfeeding, it's unclear when all would be arranged again to fly, and for 8 months of her life she has been always close to me. Yet, today is the start of the retreat and I'm the one to kick it off and hold it. So, in the end Dylan stayed with Alisia. Some pain in my heart "How can I leave her?" and yet looking in Dylan's eyes, I felt full trust.

In the meantime, after we parted, Dylan re-did corona test at the airport yesterday, requested new QR docs and got a new ticket to fly this morning. This very minute they checked in to fly to Crete. And so with a 22 hours delay they are coming in a few hours here! And Alisia doesn't even seem to realize that mama is not close by, she is smiley, playful, not eating much but not complaining either, sleeping much longer than before (a new 8,5 hours record!). And I had the first night of uninterrupted sleep since almost a year - what a gift!!!

I trust. It really always works out when we follow our calling and not giving circumstances a status of priority, and especially not to emotions that arise from circumstances (emotions can feel so true, little motherf...ckers!).

And so in a few hours, we are starting the beautiful 9-days Women's Delight Retreat (unfolding in blossoming and orgasmicness) and right after a 5-days Divine Woman Retreat (tapping into the inner source and its authentic expression). I'm all excited, can't even sleep any more, hearing animals waking up, first morning light, and full moon still dancing its curve in the sky.

Wow! What an epic start!