Temple of Tantric Arts

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Preparing for giving birth

I wish every woman who prepares for giving birth has access to this knowledge.

When I was pregnant, I was guided by a very experienced midwife with about 20+ years of experience in home giving births. She knew at every stage what she was doing and especially during the most important moment, I could trust her completely, and thanks to her I could give natural birth at home (and not freak out! ;-)). My gratitude and respect for her skills & being. πŸ™

There is one knowledge that I wish I also had while preparing for giving birth. That a woman can prepare her Yoni during pregnancy by special massaging and stretching techniques. I did massage my perineum a couple of times, but there is much more that we, women, can do, and even for perineum there are special techniques how to massage it for a greater effect. Frequency matters too. Also, there is a whole science when in the pregnancy we can massage which parts, and when not.

I discovered it only afterwards, during my post-partum healing, when I needed to reconcile the amount of pain that I experienced during birth giving. I clearly underestimated it. Indeed, I prepared for strong pain, but giving birth shows you a whole new dimension of what your body is capable of and of the pain that is possible to endure. And the biggest pain for me personally was not from contractions and actual birth giving but from exactly not having done the prior work that a woman can do to prepare her Yoni for crowning. It's partly physical and partly energy work.

I learned about it as I was seeking to process what happened, looking for best available knowledge in this area, as I felt there must be something we women can do better to prepare the "gate". My midwives did not know or believed that nothing can be done, and intuitively I was guided to Susanne Roursgaard, a midwife / sexologist / Tantrika with about 25 years of experience, who in 2 sessions could support me in integrating the whole birth experience and teach me heaps of what a woman can do to prepare her body for what some call "an orgasmic birth experience". In the 1st session, she could clarify in detail what happened to me - something nobody could explain until then in a way that would make sense, as well as how I could prepare next time... if there should be a next time ;-). And the 2nd session was practical on releasing the pain from yoni after giving birth, as well as learning new things about breasts & breastfeeding. Afterwards I spent about 10 days in a row applying the knowledge she taught me, and I could re-emerge without pain and feeling integrated & grateful. After that, I could also be sensual again, something that is really important to me, and I bet to any woman.

When I shared my healing experience in the women's group, some women said that they wished they knew before that there is an effective self-healing way that we can do after a child is born, as many years later they still carried either pain or numbness in their yoni's from the time of giving birth, and to some it costed their marriage. Indeed, traditional medicine and even alternative midwifery is mostly not focusing on woman's sensual and sexual health after the baby is born, and I feel it's so important to include into a holistic approach in guiding women pre- and post-partum.

Of course, I also realize that most of the time it's not possible to prepare for giving birth in the way you want/envision it, but at least I can share the important piece that I learned about for myself and which I am planning to apply should we decide to have the 2nd child.

Since this topic is very close to my heart, and as Susanne supported me so beautifully and effectively to heal after giving birth, I invited Susanne to give practical online workshops for women who are either pregnant, or who gave birth recently, or gave birth long time ago and are still holding any residue in the form of pain or numbness. This knowledge will be also very useful for doctors and midwives as well as doula's and bodyworkers who guide pre- & post-partum women.

I'll share the link to the workshops on JULY 15th & AUGUST 18th in the comments to this post. Feel free to pass this info on if you know someone who could benefit.πŸ’—πŸ™