Temple of Tantric Arts

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Some things are cooking

Some things are COOKING!

(a big picture life update 360')

When I was 7 months pregnant, and we went some place by car, I remember I was sitting on the back passenger seat and a strong feeling overcame me that the second soul will be coming through us. I was a bit surprised, as the first one was not born yet into this reality. "Let's see", I smiled.

In the last few weeks, I feel it strongly again. It's like a background song in anything I do. I feel this other being energetically, not yet born, yet already here. Similarly to how I felt Alisia since a year before she was conceived. And yes I feel it with every cell - I want the 2nd child. Not now now yet, but definitely not in a far away future. And if Life blesses, of course.

To create a beautiful embracing context for our family, we are looking for a NEW home. So beautiful to dream and to look where we will further build our nest.

This year, Corona, like for most of us, disturbed all the plans in 2020. I have to laugh while having a grin internally. It's OK and sad at the same time.

I don't stop dreaming... to hold live events again soon! Live circles, connecting, celebrating, awakening to ecstatic way of living. I am a Tantrika at heart, and it will never change.

On the other hand, Corona also triggered my interest which I could not let simply rest. To launch a NEW online project. I was curious to feel how it is to still stay connected with people in a virtual space, and to my surprise, it went way better than I initially expected. The warmth and connection we feel is amazing. I do need to learn more about the online world though as it is a totally different animal when it comes to conducting it as a business. I feel like a toddler in this domain learning to walk while seeing Ferrari's crossing left and right.

Besides, thanks to Corona I got inspired to hold NEW weekends only for Couples as it also aligned with my personal process of transformation at the moment. Being 3,5 years together in a relationship with Dylan invites us to dive deeper. I am super passionate about this subject now, learning again a lot myself and expanding! And even the 1-year program will most probably have two streams in 2021: one for couples, and one for singles. It just makes more sense!

And lastly, this fall I and another sister (in co-creation) launched a new program for women called "Divine Woman", with the focus on living our dharma (i.e. our soul's calling) no matter the circumstances. And we did hold it in the end, f.ck the circumstances!

Financially, 2020 initially seemed quite good as the Belgian government helped with subsidies this year... until they asked for them to be paid back a few weeks ago. So, what felt like support turned into "Hey, tap into your own resourcefulness and don't wait for help from the big Daddy!"

In the meantime, 40+ people have signed up and are waiting for the 1-year Tantra program "Expanding into Love" to start. Another 40+ people are waiting to continue their 1-year program that started last year and was postponed due to Corona.

All of this is so OVERWHELMING. It's like sitting in a sports car that has a potential to drive 300km/h while someone else continuously pushes on a break and you have no control.

I am taking a deep breath IN and OUT and letting it all cook in the womb of creation trusting that everything will turn out in the best possible way all in due time.