Temple of Tantric Arts

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Power of Authenticity & Surrender to the Whole

Unless you've tasted the power of Authenticity and surrender to the Whole, it all is just a nice concept and there are so many good reasons to not be fully authentic with yourself & others and not to trust Life.

Our individual mind is limited as it is only concerned with oneself. It is surrendering this mind of ours to the wisdom of the Whole that allows us to have access to Grace, where everyone benefits.

When I surrender to the Whole, the Whole takes care of me in a much more powerful and holistic way than my individual mind ever could imagine.

Authenticity and surrender to the Whole gives the deepest fulfillment as all questions fall away by themselves.

In my ex-relationship, I discovered this power and since then I got truly fascinated about it in application to all areas of my life.

1,5 years into my ex-relationship, I "fell out" of love as suddenly as I fell in love with him. It was a pattern of mine I knew of... to fall out of love and either simply cope with the relationship or quit it, being convinced that this one was in the end not my soulmate, and hoping that one day I'd meet my REAL soulmate and that will be it.

This time I decided to act differently and not just pack my bags silently and then write a letter that it's over between us, but to share my feelings truly before I would decide to quit the relationship.

We sat on the open terrace of our house in Croatia, having a meal, and after finishing it, I said: "Dear, I have to share something with you...".

He did not respond immediately and looked me straight into the eyes. By his look, I knew he understood what I was about to say.

"Please share...", he said after some time.

"I am no longer in love with you and I have started having thoughts of leaving. It is painful to realize and I wish I felt differently, but this is what has been happening inside of me since a few days."

After some pause, he responded: "Thank you for not waiting too long to share it with me."


In that moment, everything slowed down like in a slow-motion movie. We looked each other in the eyes for I don't know how long. I was stunned by the intensity of that moment. It felt like I saw him for the FIRST time in my life. It felt like everything that I saw in him before, was just a bundle of projections. I deeply felt LOVE for him, of the degree I have never felt before.

That moment of authenticity shifted my pattern of running away (internally & externally) and we stayed together in a much deeper connection than before for another happy 2,5 years.

And the main reason we separated on a personal level after being together for 4 years was because I felt a strong calling to create a family and he strongly felt the opposite. So, we released each other with love to continue creating our lives in line with our authentic callings.

Surrender to the Whole means deeply trusting that your Authenticity is your guiding Light. That you cannot screw up by sharing what you truly feel. Surrender to the Whole means that your sharing is without an agenda or an already made decision, and you are open to the Unknown.

Next Sunday, in my next free "Introduction to Tantra" workshop, I'll open a LIVE space to explore Authenticity & surrender to the Whole as this theme is like a red line through my life. I am not only fascinated by it, but I also find that this is exactly what gives me the ultimate fulfillment. Hence, I am so passionate to hold space for you to explore your own Authenticity & surrender to the Whole.
Book your space here: https://templeoftantricarts.com/book-online-workshop