Temple of Tantric Arts

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The power of a soft cock in love making

Let me share something very special with you today which I discovered through my own intimate exploration with my beloved. It could be directly applicable to you if you are currently in a relationship or having a lover, OR it may become applicable at some point if you are single at this moment in time.

Quality of intimate life is very important for me as it is a PLACE where LOVE is being cultivated and exchanged on the energetic & physical levels. Pretty much all other needs I can fulfill outside the relationship. Sexuality related needs are limited to be fulfilled within a container of a relationship, if it is a monogamous relationship, which is the case for me & my partner.

At some point, all couples may experience a breakdown in intimacy, especially in longer term relationships. Suddenly they may feel like they lost the intimate connection with each other and are no longer able to experience pleasure together. And because it can be quite complex to figure out why, some couples give up on exploring NEW ways of meeting each other.

Here is my invitation to you! 

Should it ever happen to you, don't stop exploring. If you find yourself currently in the breakdown regarding your intimate life, let me reassure you. The fact that it doesn't work today the way it worked for both of you before, doesn't mean that it's no longer possible to experience pleasure together. It only means that it's no longer accessible the OLD way, but there are countless NEW ways that are waiting to yet be discovered.

My little secret today is about the power of a SOFT COCK.

Sexual conditioning implies that a COCK is supposed to be hard & giving (YANG, masculine) and the VAGINA is supposed to be soft & receiving (YIN, feminine).

Let's acknowledge that it's not the physical friction that creates magic in intimacy. What really creates magic is when our ENERGIES play together in a magnetic way. Let's say, Yang is a '+' and Yin is a '-'. Both Yin and Yang exist in us as qualities, but also as energies in the Lingam and the Yoni. Connecting to both Yin and Yang inside of ourselves and playing with this polarity with our partner is what results in Expansion, Pleasure and ultimately Bliss in making love with your beloved.

If only we realized that for a fulfilling intimate life COCK doesn't always have to be only HARD, and YONI doesn't always have to be only RECEPTIVE.

In my own exploration, I discovered that especially in the first minutes (can be up to 15 or sometimes up to 30 minutes) when I start engaging with my beloved intimately, my Yoni often gets shy and somewhat closed off from a fully erect cock. I could not understand it for a long time. I want this man with all my heart, I love him, I feel chemistry with him, and yet my Yoni is shying away, she is not available. It would not be the case if I spent some time with myself on self-pleasure and then invited him into my space, then I could handle his FIRE immediately. But I wanted to make love WITH him from the beginning to the end, and not to split it into first by myself, and then together.

One day, pretty much by chance, we had an astonishing DISCOVERY!

Acknowledging his YANG side, I invited my beloved to fuck me energetically (without penetration) with ALL his FIRE. He did, and oh boy, how powerful and beautiful it was! I did not need to be busy with tuning into my yoni whether she is ready or not for penetration, I could just relax and receive him energetically. It was also quite liberating for him to share all his fire with me, his body felt so relaxed afterwards, and energy balanced out. And yet emotionally, it also somewhat felt frustrating for him that he could not penetrate me physically as this is when he feels the strongest CONNECTION & flow of LOVE with me.

As we were lying there together and authentically sharing about our experience, I shared that my yoni was getting activated the most during this energetic sex experience when he held the tip of his lingam at the opening of my vagina, yet not entering.

"Would you mind placing your lingam next to my yoni opening again?" I invited him, as I felt we were not complete with our exploration yet.

His lingam was soft (YIN). We connected our genitals without penetration and we breathed for some time in a close embrace. My Yoni started dancing and pulsing from inside (YANG). After some more time of feeling each other like this, she started calling him in. "Wow, she is PULSING strong!" he said. He could feel her energy. We kept breathing, expanding, feeling this pulse together.

After a while, when it felt right, I asked him to enter my Yoni a little bit and stay soft and still, if possible,(which was becoming more difficult for him by that time, as you can imagine). He did, and the magnetic dance between our genitals re-started with a new force, sending sparks of pleasure all over my body, awakening the inner snake. After some time, my Yoni became so juicy and opened so much (YIN) that all I wanted is for him to penetrate me deeply (YANG). Which he gladly did, of course! It was his element - FIRE. After some time which we both were enjoying so much, I started feeling less pleasure and the magnetic dance between our genitals started fading away, so I asked him to slow down and simply be still again (YIN) and if possible also soft (at the latter he laughed but said he'd give it his best!). We lay there together, breathing and feeling each other, and after some time the energy in the Yoni started dancing again (YANG). What a dance! Then the energy moved into a receptive surrendering quality and started calling him into his active YANG side again. And so we continued... deeply listening to the energy and following the dance of polarities. 

SOFT COCK is a cock in its YIN state (vulnerability, feminine).
When a man is open to explore making love with his soft cock, not only with his hard cock, wow, a whole space of possibilities for a beautiful dance opens up!

My invitation to you for this coming weekend is...
Take time with your partner/lover (at least 1 hour, but better if you have 2-3 hours), and explore the dance between the YIN and YANG polarities together.
Drop all expectations, dare to be vulnerable together, communicate what you need, give each other space, hold each other with love in whatever the other is going through, be courageous to drop any concepts, and allow HUMOR during this exploration (indeed, don't shy away from laughing, especially in the moments when it becomes challenging at times). 
Take all the time you need to listen to your body needs and to authentically communicate to your partner in the moment.
Enjoy this beautiful Journey of discovering NEW realms in your intimate LOVE life by expanding together in Consciousness and Energy.

Feel free to share with me in private and in confidentiality how it went for you. I am all ears.