Temple of Tantric Arts

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The source of

Pleasure and pain

Pride and fame

Nourishment for a child

Joy for a man

Big and small

Countless shapes

Wise and unique

Never the same


Celebrating recovery today. 😇✨
3 days after the first symptoms of mastitis appeared.
Very grateful actually. What a crazy knife-sharp pain it was!

Thank you Dr. Kris Gaublomme for the magic homeopathic pill that allowed to treat mastitis without antibiotics, even with fever (which traditional medicine says is a must). And just an overall deep respect for singing your song even when & after you were massively attacked by media last year and taken to court for your stand with regard to vaccinations. 🙏

Thank you for all the tips I received here from you all. The most powerful of them for me were warm ginger compresses (wow!) and cold soft cheese... with blueberries on top.😉☝️

Thank you for individual messages with some very unique and less public natural remedies... ok I'll reveal them here. Using a vibrator for massaging the swelling away and asking your man to help extract milk with his mouth. That brought FUN! 😁

Alisia was also very supportive of the healing process, my little wise girl. When I had fever, she became quieter energetically giving space to rest more, while at the same time asking to be breastfed much more frequently, which was exactly what was needed for healing to accelerate.

And last thing to share... I just LOVE breastfeeding my girl, pain or not, it is the most beautiful natural loving exchange that is incomparable to a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g in this world. <3
EDIT: what I felt also helped a lot in getting the swelling start dissolving was massaging in-between the warm & cold with specific acupressure points I learned from my de-armoring teacher Susanne Roursgaard and, of course, breastfeeding right after massaging.