Temple of Tantric Arts

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Money is an artificial construct created by humans. In nature there is no money. Money becomes real when we give it the status of reality. ๐Ÿ˜„

It's a big joke and yet it's real in our consciousness.

When you look at you bank account, you think you see how much money is there. Nope. You see figures flickering on the screen. And depending on the number of figures and their configuration, people feel good or bad.

Money is most of the time not an authentic driver for creation, unless Money is an authentic creation in itself. You know what I mean? ๐Ÿ˜‰

If there is any fear around money, you are hooked. You can be manipulated. You will compromise. Sooner or later you will sell your own soul... without immediately noticing it.

But what you will not fail to notice is lack of energy, lack of inspiration to live this life, and even possibly depression, burn out, boredom, indifference, physical illnesses and aches.

The voice of the soul is labelled as "uncomfortable".

Some years ago, I was on the edge. I was ready to jump, but the MONEY situation was holding me back. Because there was no certainty in that jump. What if I loose even the rest of what I have? And then what?

Yes, these words sound very loud in so many heads!

What helped me to become free from this "bloodsucker" (fear of not having enough money) is to confront my worst fear related to it. And that was... to eventually loose everything and end up as a homeless begger under the bridge.

I decided to live through my worst fear.

I found old clothes, made my hair crazily entangled and went into metro in Brussels and begged for money. I begged and felt what it was doing to me. I went through the whole rollercoaster of emotions. From shame to guilt, from fear of being recognized to fear of being rejected. And as I kept going, the feelings started turning into adventure, freedom to do whatever the hell I want, even this! At the end, I have collected quite some coins and went and bought a sandwich for myself. I sat down on the stairs to eat it as I watched people passing by. As I looked at them, it became so apparent how concerned most faces looked. It felt so peaceful to just sit there and mind my own business.

The lesson I had from this experiment was that in the worst case scenario, I will always be able to source money to eat and not to die. The rest is luxury. And therefore my life choices will not be defined by money.

...unless it becomes an inspiration in itself one day. You never know ๐Ÿ˜‰ (giving space for polarity here).