Temple of Tantric Arts

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What's on my heart today? 💗

Gratitude for the week spent in a circle of 50+ women from all possible parts of this planet, of various ages, of different walks of life.

What do we do in women circles like this?

Some men tell me they'd like to sneak in to see what's happening in circles like these.

We do a lot of embodiment practices in order to fully inhabit this precious body. Because when we do, our intuition flourishes and connection to life is amplified manifold.

We share with each other what's on our heart, recognizing our sameness and celebrating our differences.

We tap into consciousness from which all reality arises, through silent practices and mantra chanting.

We nourish each other through touch, music, love, songs, creating a strong bond.

We share struggles that we experience with men, and share wisdom how to create harmony and authentic connection with each other, because this is what both feminine and masculine deeply long for.

We create ceremonies to honor and celebrate mother Earth, this Life, ourselves as an expression of life.

We share how we can take better care of Mother Earth, no matter how big or impossible the task seems to reverse all the damaging effects happening nowadays.

We cry and laugh together, we dance, we sing and so much more.

Thank you Corfu, beautiful authentic land, for being our 'womb' in which many of us could be re-born. 🙏🙏🙏