Temple of Tantric Arts

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I create my own Reality.

This is one of the most crucial things to realize.

Consciously or unconsciously, I create my Reality.

When I feel great, it's easy to say: "Look what I've created!"

But in times of turmoil, I wish I could say: "It's because of him or her, or them or life itself that it's happening". It's just so much easier to blame someone or something for any unpleasant experience than to look inside and see what creates this experience.

And yet... time and time again, I know if I do it, I will need to repeat this situation in different formats again and again, until I see that the only common denominator in all of these situations is Me.

It's so easy to react and see myself as a consequence of someones's actions.

But actually it's a choice, to BE the consequence or the cause.

When I take full responsibility for being the cause, so much OPENS UP! Suddenly there is noone/nothing to blame, and I own my Power again.

Waking up to this simple fact again and again is absolutely confronting... and liberating at the same time.