Temple of Tantric Arts

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Oh Woman!

I get tears in my eyes, touched to the core of my being when I connect to your Essence, to my Essence.

Sweet sister of mine. <3

So relieved I am to meet You. 
To meet you as you Are.

How could anyone ever tell you that you are less than Beautiful?

How could anyone ever tell you that you need permission to be You?

How could anyone ever tell you that you are less than whole?

You were born to express all of Life that is moving through you.

Your Joy and Radiance are contageous.

Your heart may break, but it keeps pounding like sea waves.

And when it rains, it pours!! Yes, it pours!

Wild, untamable, fearless, wise. I see You.

You are born to shine, to feel pleasure, to open up wider and wider, until all illusion is vanished...

This is Re-Birth.

Even under layers of conditioning, I see your feminine essence.
Even in your biggest moments of fear, I see your courage.
Even in the most doubtful times, I see your power & wisdom.
Even in the most unfavorable circumstances, I see your freedom.

I see your free spirit dancing, whirling, surrendered in Bliss... And when your body picks up on this dance, all your cells awaken to this ecstatic Freedom!