Temple of Tantric Arts

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Sold Out!

 just came back from a long weekend in Ghent and after opening my emails, I'm pleasantly surprised that we are already sold OUT for next Module 1 "Conscious Intimacy Retreat" on September 5-8th, which is more than a month in advance! 😯🤭

It's such an amazing rewarding feeling to see that the 'baby now walks by itself', from mouth to mouth. I am very grateful to all of you who have followed my programs and now spread the word sharing about your experiences - thank you so much. 💓🙏

It's really impossible for me sometimes to reflect justly in words what these programs do. And I am so in it that it's almost banal to write about it again and again. It's that sense of joy and gratitude when I see both couples and singles uplifted, re-newed, transformed that makes me want to do it again and again....and again!